Model permissions

Permissions defined in the Meta class of models are used in Django to define user permissions connected with this model. JuliaBase also makes use of this permissions framework. There are, however, some peculiarities to be taken into account when defining model permissions for JuliaBase model classes.

Semantics and conventions

For models derived from PhysicalProcess, there are four permissions with a special meaning to JuliaBase. Their codenames must follow the following naming conventions so that they have effect.


Means that a user is allowed to add new processes, and to edit unfinished processes.


Means that a user is allowed to edit the permissions of other users for this process class.


Means that a user is allowed to view all processes. In particular, such users are allowed to read the lab notebook.


Means that a user is allowed to edit all processes.

Further rules:

  • classname must be given in lowercase letters without underscores.

  • If a user has the permission add_classname, this user can edit processes he/she is the operator of.

  • You can view processes of samples that you can view.

  • For obvious reasons, the edit_permissions_for_classname permission implies all the others. Usually, the users in charge of this setup or apparatus have this permission.


The following code snipped defines the permissions for the ClusterToolDeposition:

class Meta(samples.models.PhysicalProcess.Meta):
    permissions = (("add_clustertooldeposition", "Can add cluster tool depositions"),
                    "Can edit perms for cluster tool I depositions"),
                    "Can view all cluster tool depositions"),
                    "Can edit all cluster tool depositions"))

Using jb_common.utils.base.generate_permissions(), this can be heavily simplified:

class Meta(samples.models.PhysicalProcess.Meta):
    permissions = generate_permissions(
        {"add", "change", "view_every", "edit_permissions"}, "ClusterToolDeposition")

Omitting permissions

You may define all four permissions above. However, if you omit some of them, this has influence on JuliaBase’s treatment of that process class. The obvious effect of omitting a permission is that no user can have that permission. But there are also more subtle effects.

If you omit the add_... permission, every user is allowed to add such a process. This may be suitable for things like specimen tempering, etching, or thickness measurements that are not bound to a specific apparatus.

If you omit the edit_permissions_for_... permission, the process class will not appear in the “Permissions to processes” page. Moreover, no email is sent to a person in charge of the setup if a user creates his/her very first process of that kind.

Django’s default permissions

By default, Django generates an add_..., change_..., and delete_... permission for every model. You can switch it off for a certain model by saying

class Meta:
    default_permissions = ()

For physical processes, this has been done already — this is the reason why we derived our Meta class from samples.models.PhysicalProcess.Meta in the above Example.

We recommend you to switch off Django’s default permissions globally for your project. This way, it’s much easier to control which permissions exist for a certain model. You switch them off by saying in your

import = lambda opts: []